Sunday afternoon was sunny and breezy. We thought about sailing to Gloucester, MA; but, feeling lazy, the crew voted to overnight at Gosport Harbor (Isles of Shoals) instead. It was a good decision because we were able to enjoy a beautiful sunset and moonrise while eating Heidi's excellent pasta dinner, enjoying the wine that Leif and Brandy brought, and laughng a lot.
Labor Day morning was beautiful and warm. Leif and brandy took the dinghy to Star Island for some exploration and couple time, while Heidi, Bayley and I stayed aboard. Although Bayley is only eleven, she is excellent company and a great crewmember. She asks what she can do to help, and she is rapidly becoming an accomplished helmsperson.
When Leif and Brandy returned, we sailed around a little looking for whales, but no success; then we broad reached back to Little Harbor.
These excellent photos are courtesy of Leif. He prints and sells photos as well.