Sunday, September 13, 2009

Unlabor Day (Title courtesy of Leif)

Sunday afternoon was sunny and breezy. We thought about sailing to Gloucester, MA; but, feeling lazy, the crew voted to overnight at Gosport Harbor (Isles of Shoals) instead. It was a good decision because we were able to enjoy a beautiful sunset and moonrise while eating Heidi's excellent pasta dinner, enjoying the wine that Leif and Brandy brought, and laughng a lot.

Labor Day morning was beautiful and warm. Leif and brandy took the dinghy to Star Island for some exploration and couple time, while Heidi, Bayley and I stayed aboard. Although Bayley is only eleven, she is excellent company and a great crewmember. She asks what she can do to help, and she is rapidly becoming an accomplished helmsperson.

When Leif and Brandy returned, we sailed around a little looking for whales, but no success; then we broad reached back to Little Harbor.

These excellent photos are courtesy of Leif. He prints and sells photos as well.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Leif, Paul and Mary Beth

A beautiful day, a great crew, and lots of laughs. Paul is one of my favorite tennis partners and Mary Beth is his S.O.
We purchased our previous boat, Dragonfly, from Leif. They all love sailing. Mary Beth and Paul may have some free time, so look for them in future posts as we cruise south.
How did we not get pictues of Mary Beth and Heidi, our hot deck babes? I guess it is because Mary Beth took the pictures.l