SUNDAY: Hampton (VA) Public Docks were NOISY over Memorial Day weekend, but we didn't complain about paying $1/ft. The Air and Space Museum was worth the visit; the actual Apollo 12 capsule amazed Bill and Russell.
MONDAY: Anchored off lovely, quiet Kiptopeake State Beach Park, behind breakwater made from WWII Liberty ships.
TUESDAY: Left Cape Charles in still water and sunshine, then finished the journey to Tangier Island in rain, 6' chop and 30 knot wind on the nose. Yuck, but Act III motored into it at 7 kts. She and Skipper were the only ones thrilled with the ride. Arrival at Tangier was exciting as the dockmaster Milton Parks, 78, didn't know exactly where or how to dock us. He and 2 volunteers tried to haul Act III against the wind, not thinking to ever take a turn around a piling. Softshell crabs were amazing; Heidi and Bill managed to sneak in a skinny dip before we left on Weds. This island was the highlight of the week.
WEDNESDAY: Sunshine returned and we crossed to the Western shore to anchor in Mill Creek. Pastoral setting, warm water for swimming, good holding. Russell coaxed the recalcitrant outboard to take him a couple of miles to Reedville, where he reminisced about a childhood trip with his dad. Reedville turned out to have little to offer, so we fueled up and continued to Solomons Island.
THURSDAY: Solomons Island, recommended by the waterway guides and other cruisers, seemed overrated to us. We picked up a mooring ($25), dined ashore, and left early the next morning.
FRIDAY: Fabulous weather for a motor boat ride to Annapolis. We have set some sails most days, but no wind for this leg. We arrived Annapolis, picked up a city mooring (again $25) and celebrated Susan and Russell's 27th anniversary ashore with a progressive dinner and bar hopping.
SATURDAY: We bid sad farewell to our crew in the afternoon. It was a terrific week with only the one day of inclement weather. We find the Chesapeake a splendid place to cruise, although we've only touched the surface (except for Act III's keel a couple of times.)
SUNDAY: Boat projects kept us in Annapolis one more day. We leave in the morning for one more port (TBD). Weather permitting, we'll pass through the C&D Canal to Delaware Bay, hoping to get through the bay on Wednesday. Then we start up the New Jersey coast and go into the Hudson River.
Wireless access has been sporadic, our computer(s) even more fussy. We'll keep up as best we can. Over all, we're happy, healthy and thrilled with our vessel.